Brow Luxe

Important information
please read before booking

Please take time to read the information below carefully in preparation for your appointment. 

If you have any further questions, please reach out on either or 0452 677 093.

 Unfortunately I don’t have the room to accommodate guests so you will need to come alone to your appointment.

If you have a specific vision or inspiration for your brows feel free to bring in any photos or images. Feel free to bring headphones, listen to music or a good audiobook/podcast as you need to remain/lie still with your eyes closed for an extended period of time during the appointment. 

Your post care instructions will be given to you on the day. 

Payment options are eftpos or cash. 

When you make a cosmetic tattooing appointment, the before appointment care is just as important as your aftercare!

Prior to your appointment, please ensure the following things:

  • – Do not work out the day of your appointment.
  • – You should not take any medications that may thin your blood (i.e. Aspirin, Ibuprofen) 72 hours before or immediately after your procedure.
  • – Do not drink alcohol within 24 hours of your procedure.
  • – Avoid caffeine for 12 hours before your procedure. (Caffeine increases blood flow and will effect your healed results). This is critical to prevent excess bleeding which can affect the colour and retention of your brow tattoo and seriously affect the final outcome of your brows – money down the drain!
  • I can not tattoo/laminate you if you are pregnant or breast feeding.
  • – You must be off any sort of acne medication for at least six months.
  • – Please ensure your skin is as healthy as possible when coming to your appointment, this includes not being sunburnt or healing from any other sort of skin treatment such as peels, needling or acne.
  • You must be over the age of 18
  • – Try to avoid using retinol around the brow area for two weeks prior to coming in.
  • – Botox, fillers laser/harsh skin treatments around the brow area and forehead should only be done 3 weeks prior and after.

By following these guidelines you will create the best possible foundation for your new brows.

I can’t wait to meet you!

  • Jolene.